Friday, January 20, 2012

New Catalog!

Phew! What a week...
but the exciting news is this weekend is the a•muse studio convention where the new catalog will be revealed!!
I'm so excited to see the whole catalog but I've enjoyed seeing some great sneak peeks! In fact, you can check some of them out here on Pintrest.
In the meantime I wanted to let you know that I just ordered 50 catalogs and you can now begin preordering them from me. It's just $8.50 which includes shipping to you...and includes a little thank you. :)
You can send me an email or click on my paypal button on the side!
Catalog goes LIVE on 1 February...just try to Keep Calm! tee hee...

1 comment:

Kelly R. said...

Hi Chris! How was your holiday? Look foward to seeing the new catalog! Hope to see some boy stamps:)